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Shavuot Services and Teachings
Come celebrate Shavuot with Congregation Kol Ami! On Shavuot we received the Ten Commandments and the Torah. To commemorate the revelation we study, pray, and eat cheesecake!
This year we will be welcoming Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Dvora Weisberg, Ph.D. Rabbi Dvora Weisberg is the Rabbi Aaron Panken Professor of Rabbinics and the Director of the Rabbinical School at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Learn more about Rabbi Dvora Weisberg, Ph.D. here.
Tuesday, June 11th
7:30pm — Erev Shavuot Dinner
Join us for a dairy/vegetarian dinner cooked by Kol Ami Member, William Calderon.
RSVP by Sunday, June 10th!
Kol Ami Members: $10 per adult ages 13+, $5 per child ages 3–12 • Guests: $15 per adult ages 13+, $10 per child ages 3–12
8:30pm — Tikkun Leil Shavuot with a keynote by Rabbi Weisberg, Ph.D. followed by an Erev Shavuot service and study sessions with Rabbi Spector and Cantor Davis
"From the Seder to Sinai" — What would happen of the four children featured in the Haggadah reappeared at
our Shavuot celebrations? How might each of them understand the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai? Rabbi Weisberg will discuss different ideas about the Israelites’ reaction to receiving the Torah.
Wednesday, June 12th
9:30am — Shavuot Day 1 Service, D’var Torah by Rabbi Weisberg, Ph.D.
12:15pm — Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Weisberg, Ph.D. (all are invited!)
"The Origins of Formal Jewish Education: A Talmudic Account" — We will be studying Baba Batra 20b-21a, a passage in the Talmud that discusses early zoning laws, imagines the structure of the first Jewish schools for children, and teaches us the importance of having a good teacher. Whether or not you have studied Talmud before, this is a great text with a wild ending.
RSVP here!
Kol Ami Members: $10 per person • Guests: $15 per person
7:00pm — Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group with Rabbi Weisberg, Ph.D.
"Women Speak to God: The Prayers of the Biblical Women" — While women were for centuries excluded from leadership in synagogue worship, classical rabbinic texts portray women as effective pray-ers. We will study several stories that show biblical women praying to and arguing with God. These texts offer us new insights into the ancient rabbis’ understanding of women.
RSVP here!
Thursday, June 13th
9:30am — Shavuot Day 2 and Yizkor Service
Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Dvora Weisberg, Ph.D.
Rabbi Dvora Weisberg is the Rabbi Aaron Panken Professor of Rabbinics and the
Director of the Rabbinical School at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Rabbi Weisberg was raised in San Francisco. She received her B.A. summa cum laude from Brandeis University, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Her undergraduate thesis, for which she was awarded highest honors in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, was entitled “Can the Demands of Jewish Feminists Be Met Within the Halakhic System?” She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Talmud and Rabbinic Literature from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and was ordained at HUC-JIR in Los Angeles.
Before coming to HUC-JIR, Rabbi Weisberg taught at the Jewish Theological
Seminary, the College of William and Mary and the University of Pittsburgh.
Rabbi Weisberg is the author of Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism (2008), a study of the ancient rabbis’ vision of the family and its members, and Tractate Menahot: A Feminist Commentary (2020). Her book on levirate marriage and the family was a finalist for the 2009 National Jewish Book Awards in the category of Women’s Studies.
Rabbi Weisberg is married to Rabbi Neal Scheindlin and is the mother of Micah (& Elana) and Noah Scheindlin, and the savta of Orli Maya and Eitan Yonah.
Mon, September 16 2024
13 Elul 5784
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PHONE 801-484-1501 • FAX 801-484-1162 • info@conkolami.org
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