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High Holidays 5785 / 2024

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L'shanah Tovah! We are looking forward to seeing you for the High Holidays. Erev Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of Wednesday, October 2nd. Services will take place in the Main Sanctuary and via livestream.

Tickets (for those ages 13+) have been mailed to all members. Please contact the office if you have not received your ticket packet.

For guests near and far, tickets are available for purchase through noon on Friday, October 11th and include all services and programming both in-person and via livestream.

Babysitting will be available for children ages 2–10 on Rosh Hashanah Day 1, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur morning. You must register in advance to reserve your child's place.

Need Rosh Hashanah
Dinner Ideas? 

View our menus compiled from your recipe submissions!

5785 High Holiday Service Schedule

Saturday, September 28th
7:55pm — Havdalah
8:00pm —  Selichot Service & Program

Wednesday, October 2nd

6:45pm — Erev Rosh Hashanah Service (Main Sanctuary with Mishkan Hanefesh Machzor)
6:48pm — Candle Lighting

Thursday, October 3rd
9:00am — Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service (Main Sanctuary with Lev Shalem Machzor)
10:00am — 3rd–6th Grade Service (Pepper Beit Midrash)
10:30am — K–2nd Grade Service (Room #3)
11:00am — Teen Service (Pepper Beit Midrash)
12:00pm — Tot Service (up to age 5 and their families, Pepper Beit Midrash)
1:45pm — Community Potluck Luncheons (Learn more & RSVP)
7:47pm — Candle Lighting (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)

Friday, October 4th
9:00am — Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Service (Main Sanctuary with Lev Shalem Machzor)
3:00pm — Tashlich (RSVP for the address)
6:45pm — Havdalah (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)

Friday, October 11th

6:30pm — Kol Nidre Service (Main Sanctuary with Lev Shalem Mahzor)
6:34pm — Candle Lighting

Saturday, October 12th
9:00am — Yom Kippur & Shabbat Morning Service (Main Sanctuary with Mishkan Hanefesh Machzor for Shaharit, then Lev Shalem Machzor for Torah service, Musaf, and Avodah)
10:00am — 3rd–6th Grade Service (Pepper Beit Midrash)
10:30am — K–2nd Grade Service (Room #3)
11:00am — Teen Service (Pepper Beit Midrash)
Following Rabbi's sermon and announcements at approx. 12:30pm — Tot Service (up to age 5 and their families, Pepper Beit Midrash)
Following Rabbi's sermon and announcements at approx. 12:30pm — Breakout Sessions 1 & 2
3:30pm — Breakout Session 3
4:45pm — Mincha Service (Main Sanctuary with Mishkan Hanefesh Machzor)
Approx. 6:00pm — Yizkor Service (Main Sanctuary with Mishkan Hanefesh Machzor)
Approx. 6:40pm — Ne’ilah Service (Main Sanctuary with Lev Shalem Machzor)
7:32pm — Havdalah / Children's Glowstick Parade (Main Sanctuary)
Break the Fast at Kol Ami (RSVP to join usSouth Multipurpose Room)

Wednesday, October 16th
6:26pm — Candle Lighting (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)

Thursday, October 17th
9:30am — Sukkot Day 1 Service
7:25pm — Candle Lighting (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)

Friday, October 18th
9:30am — Sukkot Day 2 Service
5:00pm — Tot Shabbat in the Sukkah
6:23pm — Candle Lighting
6:30pm — New Member & Member Appreciation Erev Sukkot & Shabbat Service
7:45pm — Dinner in the Sukkah (RSVP to join us)

Saturday, October 19th
9:30am — Shabbat Morning Service
7:22pm — Havdalah (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)
7:30pm — Songs in the Sukkah (RSVP to join us)

Sunday, October 20th
12:00pm — KAJY Sukkot Event
6:00pm —  Young Adults Sake & Sushi in the Sukkah (RSVP to join us)

Tuesday, October 22nd
6:30pm — Rosh Chodesh Women's Group Sukkot Event (RSVP to join us)

Wednesday, October 23rd
9:30am — Hoshanah Rabbah Service
12:15pm — Sukkot Lunch & Learn (RSVP to join us)
6:16pm — Candle Lighting (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)

Thursday, October 24th
9:30am — Sh'mini Atzeret & Yizkor Service
6:30pm — Erev Simchat Torah Service & Celebration
7:15pm — Candle Lighting

Friday, October 25th
9:30am — Simchat Torah Morning Service
6:13pm — Candle Lighting (for at-home observance in Salt Lake City)
6:30pm — Erev Shabbat Service

*Schedule subject to change

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785