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Rafi Schwartz Religious School End of Year Pancake Breakfast

Sunday, May 19th • 9:00am – 11:00am 
Join the Rafi Schwartz Religious School for our annual end of year party! At 9:00am we will gather in the Main Sanctuary for an assembly and slideshow. Then, at 9:30am, we'll move the to the Social Hall for a pancake breakfast and activities including a face painter, balloon artist, bounce house, games, arts & crafts, and more! 

This event is only open to Kol Ami members. While there is no cost to attend, donations are greatly appreciated. Please RSVP below!

The United Jewish Federation Yom Ha'Atzmaut event will take place on the patio at Kol Ami starting at 11:30am after the pancake breakfast. Learn more about it here.

RSVP for the Pancake Breakfast!

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This event is only open to Kol Ami members

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Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784