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Mazel Tov to our Teacher and TA of the Year!

Teacher of the Year

Mazel Tov to Gabrielle Larsen, Teacher of the Year for the 2023-2024/5784 School Year!

"Learning a new language can be intimidating. But I think it’s important to remember that making mistakes are key in learning. And being brave and trying will get us even further. In my classroom this year, we’ve learned many new words by singing songs in Hebrew. Such as “The Good Morning Song”(בוקר טוב), “What Day Is It?” (איזה יום היום?) and “What A Happy Day” (איזה יום שמח). Learning a new language is like learning a new song. It takes time and patience, but the key is to have fun while doing so."  —Gabrielle Larsen

Todah Rabbah, Gabrielle! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the Rafi Schwartz Religious School and Congregation Kol Ami!

TA of the Year

Mazel Tov to Kaya Plotkin, TA of the Year for the 2023-2024/5784 School Year!

Kaya Plotkin loves the Rafi Schwartz Religious School so much, that she volunteered as a Teacher’s Assistant during her 7th grade year, paving the way for the TA program to expand and include the subsequent 7th graders in paid positions! Kaya truly embraces the spirit of l’dor v’dor by doing her best to guide and grow the younger generation while also forging friendships with her teachers and mentors. As a 9th grader at Olympus High School, Kaya is one of only a handful of girls on the wrestling team, has become an active member of the Utah FFA program, and hopes to pursue a career in medicine someday. She looks forward to her 10th grade year at the religious school and participating in confirmation. She hopes to continue TAing throughout her high school years.

Make a donation in honor of Gabrielle and Kaya!


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784