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No Proof of Vaccination Required

As of Fall 2022

We are no longer requiring proof of Covid vaccinations in order to attend in-person services and events.

Masks Recommended

As of Wednesday, May 25th

Due to the surge in cases, masks are highly recommended per CDC guidance.

Mask Requirement Lifted

As of Friday, April 1st

Our mask requirement has been lifted as of Friday, April 1st. We continue to recommend mask wearing for those who are immunocompromised or who feel more comfortable wearing a mask. 

March 2022 Reopening

As of Thursday, February 24th

Beginning Wednesday, March 1st, we will be resuming in-person services and activities at the synagogue as well as in-person classes for the Rafi Schwartz Religious School.

In order to attend in-person services, events, and classes we are requiring COVID vaccinations including booster shots for those eligible. Masks (N95/KN95 or surgical masks, no cloth masks) are to be worn at all times when in the building unless actively eating.

Our morning Minyanim will continue on Zoom.

Our Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services will be a hybrid of in-person and livestream. 

Erev Shabbat and RSRS Update

As of Wednesday, January 12th

Religious school will be virtual for the remainder of January and February. We will reassess for March towards the end of February.

Erev Shabbat services will only be available via Zoom until further notice. Our Shabbat morning services will remain a hybrid of in-person and virtual. Torah and Haftarah chanters must remain masked.

COVID Update for January 2022

As of Wednesday, January 5th

Due to the Omicron variant and the winter weather/holidays, we are seeing a dramatic spike in cases in Utah and across the country. The safety and security of our members, staff, and guests is our prime concern. Based on the recommendations of our COVID Task Force and the support of the Board of Trustees, effective immediately we are implementing the following protocols for the month of January.

  • Religious school will be virtual for the remainder of January and we will reassess for February towards the end of the month.
  • Shabbat services will remain a hybrid of in-person and virtual. Torah and Haftarah chanters must remain masked.
  • Adult education classes and morning minyan will be held virtually. 
  • In order to attend services we are requiring booster shots for anyone who had their second Moderna or Pfizer, or the Johnson & Johnson, 6+ months ago. Even if you have previously submitted proof of vaccination, you will need to submit proof of your vaccination AND booster to attend services.
  • We will not be serving food for the month of January at synagogue events.
  • Masks are to be worn at all times when in the building. Cloth masks alone are not effective. We suggest N95/KN95 masks, or at the very least, surgical masks, which are available in the lobby.
  • Children, ages 5+, are required to have their first vaccine dose by January 31st and their second dose by February 28th to be able to attend synagogue events or return to school in person.

If you have any questions please contact the Kol Ami office or Tamara Kipper, Religious School Director.

Thank you for your understanding and support.
Rabbi Spector, Danny Burman, John Mertens

Discussions for Reopening

As of Wednesday, March 10th

Discussions are in process to hold services at Congregation Kol Ami after Pesach. As always, the safety of our members and guests is our primary consideration. For now wear a mask, stay distanced, and schedule your vaccine! 

Cancellation of All In-Person Events

As of Sunday, September 26, 2020

As we begin our new year, I know that many of us are hopeful that the condition of our world will improve. In that spirit, we looked forward to welcoming people back to the synagogue after a long hiatus this week, with Sunday minyan, Sukkah building, Ne'ilah services, and Friday night services for the first time since March.

Sadly, this week, we have seen record numbers of diagnoses of COVID-19 hitting our state. Though our synagogue, like most others, is suffering in finances and membership this year as a result of a lack of in person events, we ultimately decided that it would not be safe, responsible, or logical for the synagogue to reopen after our state reported approximately 1,200 new cases on Thursday and 1,400 on Friday when we were closed while our state was averaging 300 cases daily.

As a result, all in-person activities that had been planned for this week have been suspended until further notice. 

We would like to remind people, as we go into autumn and winter, to please continue to take this virus seriously; wash your hands, social distance, and wear a mask in public. The more responsible everybody is, the sooner that we can join together again.

Wishing everyone a Shanah Tovah, a happy, healthy year ahead, and for those who are able, a meaningful, safe fast.

Update from the Rafi Schwartz Religious School

We have been hearing from many of you that your students are appreciating the chance to connect with their Religious School friends that our Zoom classes are providing. We also know that regular schedules can promote a sense of normalcy. We want to make sure that we provide all the curriculum that you signed on for, and that we provide a space for your students to connect with each other.

For these reasons, the school year will continue through to the end of May. Enrolled students will receive updated calendars and Zoom links by email.

Please email Tamara Kipper, Interim Religious School Director, with questions or comments.

Are You Having Financial Hardships as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Rabbi Samuel L. Spector, Danny Burman, Jim Isaacson, or Teresa Bruce. We will do our very best to help you address those needs. Your community is here for you. We stand together during these difficult times, and Kol Ami will do what we can to help you through these challenges.

Kol Ami Cemetery Association COVID-19 Procedures

The Kol Ami Cemetery Association has some new, temporary, procedures in regards to the current pandemic:

Wasatch Lawn will be the only approved mortuary for all burials handled by the Kol Ami Cemetery Association.

For at-need purchase of a grave-site, the family will select the specific cemetery and may express preferences by telephone, but a Cemetery Association Trustee will select a location without meeting family representatives on-site.

Officiating at a burial may be done only by local clergy and with approval from Kol Ami’s senior rabbi.

The officiating clergy will set limits on the number of persons who may attend a burial, in conformance with state and local directives and/or orders.

Kol Ami Members Only: Members may reserve and purchase pre-need gravesites via telephone/email; the location may be changed without additional fees until November 1, 2020.

Volunteers who serve on the Chevra Kadisha, if willing, shall perform tahara in a way that will not endanger themselves; whatever procedure is approved by Kol Ami’s clergy will be accepted by the Cemetery Association for burial in Montefiore and Shaare Tzedek.

Learn more here.

In order to keep the Congregation Kol Ami community safe during the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, the office is closed and all programming is currently canceled.

Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat services will continue to be live-streamed here. We will be updating the website periodically, so please check for current synagogue related closure information.

Staff and clergy will be answering questions regarding office, religious school, and preschool related matters via email. We will respond to you as soon as possible. Contacts can be found below:
Staff Email Addresses | General Questions | Rabbi Samuel L. Spector

If you have urgent matter and you need to speak to someone in the office please call Tracy Plotkin, Administrative Assistant, at 773-474-2672. If prompted to leave a message, please include the spelling of your name and the best phone number to reach you.

If you have an emergency such as an unexpected hospitalization or loss of a loved one, please call our emergency line at 801-742-1501.

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time. We wish you and your family health and peace. We look forward to once again coming together as a congregation as soon as possible. Shalom and take good care.

Livestreaming Shabbat Services and Programming Updates

Dear members of our Kol Ami family,

After much talk with health and state officials and discussions between our staff and lay leadership, we have made the following decisions regarding our community and the COVID-19 virus spread.

Throughout the remainder of the month of March, beginning with tonight’s Shabbat service, we will suspend in-person Shabbat services and hold services via livestream. You can access the livestream here.. Tomorrow’s Bat Mitzvah will continue as scheduled; however, we are asking that attendees be limited to family, friends, and classmates of the Selzman family. Other upcoming events have sadly been cancelled including the Passover Wine Tasting and Joel Rosenberg’s Concert.

Morning minyan will take place over Zoom conference meeting through the remainder of the month, please email Cantor Bat-Sarah for access information.

Our Friday night siddur can be virtually accessed here and our Saturday morning, Conservative siddur, can be purchased here.

Further, the Rafi Schwartz Religious School will be closed this week as we conduct training for the teachers to have remote class instruction if necessary. The following week of classes we are closed for our previously scheduled Spring Break.

We ask that you follow the governor’s recommendations; please avoid crowds of 100 people or more, with people over the age of 60 avoiding gatherings of larger than 20 people. Please also practice handwashing regularly and stay home or seek medical attention if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness.

Please know that none of these decisions were taken lightly, but rather through hours of study and conversation. Ultimately, our most important Jewish value is keeping our community safe while still trying to provide for their spiritual needs. Although these steps are requiring us to take unconventional matters, let us be reminded of the Talmudic teachings that “we shall live by (the commandments), and not die by them” (B. Talmud Yoma 85b) and “[The rules against] endangering oneself are more stringent than [those against breaking a] commandment” (BT Hullin 10a). We thank you for your understanding and for doing your part to ensure our community's safety.

L’briyut ul’hayim, to health and to life,

Rabbi Samuel L. Spector
Teresa Bruce, Co-President
Jim Isaacson, Co-President

Religious School and Prevention of COVID-19

Dear Parents of Religious School Students,

As I’m sure you are aware by now, Governor Herbert has ordered cancellation of gatherings of over 100 people. His order takes effect on Monday, March 16. However, Kol Ami and the Religious School see no reason to wait until Monday to take precautions.

There will be NO onsite classes this weekend. No 7th grade class on Saturday, March 12 and NO Religious School attendance on Sunday, March 13.

We are looking into how quickly and smoothly we can move to an online platform for all our classes during the time that is required to slow the spread of this illness.

We hold two things very dear at the Religious School. One is your child’s Jewish education, and the other is providing your children a space of Jewish community.

Learning specific lessons in Hebrew or Jewish studies will be relatively easy to provide online after we select a platform and train the teachers. Providing community will be more challenging.

There are NO scheduled Religious School classes for Sunday, March 22 and Wednesday, March 25. This was a planned spring break, and will give all of us a chance to get up to speed on teaching through an online platform.

Finally, what I told your 3rd through 6th graders yesterday goes for all of us: we are a family. We take care of each other. We are here for you and for your children. Please feel free to call or text if you need a specific resource, or if you or your children want to hear a friendly voice.


Cantor Wendy Elizabeth Bat-Sarah
Director, Rafi Schwartz Religious School
Congregation Kol Ami
801-484-1501 x28

A Message Regarding the Coronavirus

At Congregation Kol Ami, the health and safety of our congregants is our utmost concern. Our leadership has been closely monitoring the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak and has been in touch with medical professionals who are connected to the Center for Disease Control, the Utah Department of Health, and other state officials. At this time, we have not been advised to cancel services or synagogue gatherings.The same holds true for the Rafi Schwartz Religious School as well as the Playful Learning Preschool. If you have any scheduled meetings or plan on attending any gatherings at the synagogue, we suggest that you check the website for status updates prior to the event.

For many of us, catching this virus can be manageable, however we are most concerned about older congregants and those who are high-risk, such as people with a chronic medical condition or a pre-existing heart or lung condition. Kol Ami is considering options for streaming services for those who are compromised or need to stay home.

The virus is spread by airborne droplets from an infected person's cough or sneeze. In order to protect yourself and others, we ask congregants to not take part in certain practices that could lead to the spread of germs, such as connecting to the challah, drinking from the same kiddush cup, or kissing mezuzot, prayer books, and Torah scrolls. Here are some other ways you can help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19:

  • Refrain from shaking hands during services.
  • Wash your hands often; for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use the hand sanitizer provided around the building.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash or cough into your sleeve.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

While catching the virus may not be overly concerning for many of us, the transmission of the virus to those more vulnerable is of utmost concern. This very well publicized concern stems from the awareness that one may be infected with and thus able to transmit the virus for up to two weeks before realizing they have the symptoms. We must all stay vigilant and cautious. Please, if you or your child are displaying flu-like symptoms, we ask that you stay at home until you are assured that you are not potentially contagious.

We have also placed information regarding the virus and prevention around the synagogue and will provide updates on our website.

For more information, call the Utah Coronavirus Information Line at 1-800-456-7707 or visit the following websites and

We will continue to monitor this situation and ensure that we are putting safety first. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784