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2024 Annual Congregational Meeting

Wednesday, December 18th
6:00pm Light Dinner • 6:30pm Call to Order
In-person at Kol
Babysitting, including pizza, will be provided by KAJY during the meeting

Members in Good Standing are entitled to attend, to vote at the above-mentioned meeting, and may appoint a proxy to attend, speak, and, on a poll, vote in their place. A member is in Good Standing if their account with the congregation has been paid in full by the end of the prior fiscal year, or if they have made satisfactory arrangements with the Treasurer to discharge their debt

Please RSVP below
Unable to attend the live meeting? Completed proxy forms should be mailed to Congregation Kol Ami or emailed to Proxies may be submitted to the Secretary up to the commencement of the meeting. If more than one eligible family member is voting by proxy, please complete a separate proxy form for each voting member.

– Drash from Rabbi Spector
– President’s Remarks
– Reports from Rabbi, Cantor, and Executive Director
– Treasurer's Report
– Motion to approve board member second-term nominations
– Motion to approve 2024 Amended and Restated Bylaws
   View the red line copyView the clean copyView the updated summary
– Report on discovery regarding feasibility of Senior Affordable Housing Project

Board of Trustees Nominees
– Second terms: Tom Jacobson, Dov De Lay, Cheryl Palmer

RSVP to join the Annual Congregational Meeting

Contact Information

Number of Attendees

Number of Children Attending Babysitting


Thu, December 5 2024 4 Kislev 5785