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Purim on the Roof

At Purim, we celebrate the story of Queen Esther. We observe several Mitzvot (commandments) such as reading the Megillah, wearing costumes in tribute to Queen Esther’s disguise at King Achashverosh’s court, celebrating the victory of the Jewish people against Haman’s plot, and giving to the poor and to members of our community. Observing this Mitzvah brings joy and support to these groups and is a wonderful way to practice our Judaism. 

Celebrate Purim with Kol Ami!

Saturday, March 23rd • 8:00pm
Join the Kol Ami community as we celebrate Purim, read the Megillah Esther, and enjoy our "Purim on the Roof" spiel. Stick around after the Megillah reading and let the joy of Purim continue with refreshments, snacks, and dancing! RSVP here to let us know you're coming!

Sunday, March 24th • 7:30am
Join us for a Purim morning service as we read the Megillah Esther.

Sunday, March 24th • 9:30am
Come celebrate Purim with the Rafi Schwartz Religious School and KAJY! Come at 9:30am for the spiel, "Purim on the Roof." Following our spiel at 10:00am join us for fun and games in the Social Hall. We'll also have a costume contest, face painter, balloon artist, bounce house, food and more! There will be no RSRS classes on this day.

RSVP for the carnival!
Kol Ami Members: $10 per child in advance / $15 at the door • Guests: $15 per child in advance / $20 at the door
Children ages 3 and younger are FREE

Donate to the Mishloach Manot Fund & Order Hamantaschen!
Fulfill the Mitzvot of Mishloach Manot (sending gifts) and Matanot La’evyonim (giving to the poor) as we raise funds to send Purim goodies to our community. All donations made through March 6th will be included on the scroll in our Mishloach Manot bags.

Levels of Giving
King Achashverosh Purim Underwriter: $1000+, Hamantaschen Hero ($500–$999), Purim Patron ($360–$499), Shushan Sponsor ($180–$359), Mordecai Mensch ($108–$179), Esther Enthusiast ($36–$107). 

Pre-order Hamantaschen! 
Order a dozen ($15) or half-dozen ($8) of one flavor or an assortment by Thursday, March 14th. All proceeds benefit the Rafi Schwartz Religious School. Orders must be picked up the week of March 18th – 22nd. NO DELIVERIES!

Billing/Contact Information

Levels of Giving
All donations made through March 6th will be included on the scroll in our Mishloach Manot bags.

 I/We wish to receive a note instead of a gift bag. 


Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784